Written by

Chris Gonzales


Mike Kotsch

Welcome to this week’s edition of our Friday Quality Linkage column. Please enjoy this week’s collection of interesting and entertaining links. Brew a fresh cup of coffee, find a comfortable place, and relax.

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The Making of a Synth Song »

Multimedia artist Jeremy Blake Leaird-Koch runs a YouTube channel called Red Means Recording where he uploads superbly edited videos of himself producing and playing synth music. In his most recent video (embedded above) he creates some awesome samples — and eventually a full instrumental mix, which he’s dubbed “Lugent” — on the OP-1 mini synthesizer using tones from the PO-12 Rhythm and PO-28 Robot portable synthesizers.

While the process itself is fascinating and hypnotic to watch, what I enjoy most are all the little editing flourishes and special effects throughout. Just watch it and see what I mean.

81-Year-Old Grandfather Stuns Guitar Shop with Jaw-Dropping Solo »

There’s a lot of terrible stuff happening in the world. Here’s something that should brighten up your Friday.

The Best Oven-Fried Buffalo Wings »

While I’m posting YouTube videos, here’s one of J. Kenji López-Alt of Serious Eats showing you how to make perfectly juicy, crispy buffalo wings in your oven using ⚡science⚡ rather than frying them in oil.

(Video contains some minor NSFW language.)

Practice Gratitude, Learn to Say Thank You »

Alright, screw it, I guess today’s Linkage column is gonna be a video edition. WHY NOT, right?

Here’s Jason Silva doing one of his Shots of Awe mini-sermons — not in the religious sense, but more philosophical — about the importance of gratitude in the face of the unlikelihood of our very existence as a self-aware species in the universe. Of course for some, nothing he says here is new; for others, it may awaken a new perspective.

Memphis Spare Ribs — BBQ Pit Boys »

Ready to get hungry? If the buffalo wing video above didn’t do it for you, maybe this one will. Low-and-slow Memphis-style ribs? Yes please.

  • Disclaimer: You should not watch if you are vegetarian, vegan, or have no readily accessible barbecue where you are.

    I’m serious about that last one. If you can’t literally drop what you’re doing and eat some barbecue afterward, I wouldn’t watch anything on the BBQ Pit Boys channel. Don’t do it!

Henry V — Band of Brothers »

There’s not much I can say about this scene from Shakespeare’s Henry V that hasn’t already been said. It’s simply one of the greatest battle speeches of all time.

You can read the full text on Wikipedia.

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Got any suggestions for articles, videos, stories, photographs, and any other links you think we should be posting in our weekly Quality Linkage? Please do let us know on Twitter.