Written by

Chris Gonzales


Dan Freeman

Welcome to this week’s edition of our Friday Quality Linkage column. Please enjoy this week’s collection of interesting and entertaining links. Brew a fresh cup of coffee, find a comfortable place, and relax.

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Featured Links

Austin Mann’s iPhone 11 Pro Camera Review »

You know what’s better than a new iPhone coming out? Austin Mann taking it to some exotic place to review its photographic capabilities. [Previously: The iPhone 7/7 Plus, the iPhone 8 Plus, and the iPhone X.]

His review of the iPhone 11 Pro camera has him shooting in a number of scenarios in China:

I’m here as I continue on-going work photographing The Bach Project w/ Yo-Yo Ma, a world tour where Yo-Yo is performing Bach in unconventional places around the globe. It’s been a privilege to photograph this amazing journey, and when I considered how to test the iPhone 11 Pro’s new capabilities, I thought a shoot on this project could be a great fit as many of these shoots have been in extremely low light!

Of course, I’ve also been anxious to see what this Ultra Wide lens can do, so shortly after the performance I popped out to the countryside to find some epic landscapes and have been out exploring this big, beautiful country ever since.

The 11 Pro really showcases the power of Night Mode:


A Week on the Wrist: The Apple Watch Series 5 Edition in Titanium »

You know what’s better than a new Apple Watch coming ou- …hang on, are you guys feeling a little déjà vu right now too? Weird.

Anyway, the watch enthusiasts over at Hodinkee put up their review of the Series 5 Apple Watch, with insights and photos galore:

It’s important to remember that while Apple Watch is now five years old, it’s still a relatively young product and one that’s still maturing at a relatively quick clip. Each year doesn’t just mean a faster chip set or more battery life – it means a reimagining of the scope and purpose of the Apple Watch and the way it can fit into customers’ lives. That’s something worth getting excited about.

The review video above is also well worth a watch (no pun intended).

9/21/19 »

This week saw the arrival of September 21st, and you know what that means: Demi Adejuyigbe’s annual silly dance video. That bit with the TV was brilliant.

As usual, you can buy the shirt and support a great cause.

How to Ask Someone for Career Advice Without Being Annoying »

Talia Jane, in a column for Vice, writes about how, actually, it can hurt to ask someone to grab coffee and pick their brain:

If you’re new to a field or dreaming of a career but unsure how to get it, odds are you’ve come across the phrase: “there’s no harm in asking” when it comes to seeking advice. Fire off that email, slide into that DM, ask that person to help you climb the ladder and seize your glory! This, my beautiful new best friend, is based on acutely outdated thinking.


As worker productivity has hit mind-boggling new heights over the last thirty years and the gig economy is steadily taking over our lives, the midcentury “gumption” tactic has been replaced with asking a distant connection, or even truly random person, out for coffee to “pick their brain.” It’s an attractive little phrase to indicate minimal time waste: I’d just like to pluck some stray thoughts from your noggin! No worries if not!!

ɴ ᴏ   ᴡ ᴏ ʀ ʀ ɪ ᴇ s    ɪ ғ   ɴ ᴏ ᴛ — that one hit close to home right there.

The rest of the piece has some great tips for boosting your chances if you’re truly wanting to get advice from established figures.

Miscellaneous Links


Neat Stuff We’ve Published Recently

★ Guide: Maps of Fictional Worlds 🗺📚

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Got any suggestions for articles, videos, stories, photographs, and any other links you think we should be posting in our weekly Quality Linkage? Please do let us know on Twitter.