Bond 50

My first experience with James Bond was playing GoldenEye 007 with 4 screen multiplayer back in the 7th grade. I had watched a few movies here and there, but didn’t really get into 007 until a few years back. Back in 2011, John Gruber and Dan Benjamin took half of each episode of the 5by5 edition of The Talk Show to do a commentary on each movie.

I’m not going to lie, I totally watched along with them. I added a disc-plan to my Netflix account and watched each movie prior to listening to that week’s episode. With that being said, iTunes has the Bond 50 collection on sale for $99 (in HD). This collection contains 23 Bond movies from 1963 to 2012. It clocks in at 116 GB!

My recommendation is to pick it up now and then subscribe to The Talk Show Bond Anthology RSS feed from _DavidSmith.

Buy the collection on iTunes for just $99.