Bodum Bistro Conical Burr Grinder

You want to grind your own coffee, and you want to grind it with a conical burr grinder. What many people do not know is that there is a big difference between a plain burr grinder and a conical burr grinder. In fact, most inexpensive burr grinders do a worse job grinding your coffee than a cheap blade grinder would.

With conical burr grinders the burrs are shaped like a cone. This means there is a larger grinding area for the same diameter, allowing the conical burrs to spin at a slower speed. And you want your coffee to be ground slowly. Grinding at high speeds (as most regular, flat burr grinders do) heats up the burrs and results in burnt coffee beans and damaged grounds.

Moreover, this extraordinary conical burr grinder from Bodum sports some very loud colors as well as classic black and white. And it uses a borosilicate glass container to catch the ground coffee (glass, as you know, is inherently static free). This is a really good grinder for a very reasonable price. It’s what we use to help us stay caffeinated here at the Tools & Toys headquarters.