Search Results for: aeropress

AeroPress Travel Cap

The AeroPress is an excellent coffee maker to take when traveling. I slide a dozen paper filters and a plastic bag of beans into the inside of the plunger whenever I’m going on a trip. The only problem is that the filters and beans have a tendency to fall out. To fix this problem, the guys at Able Brewing company made a…

AeroPress Stainless Steel Coffee Filter

When you buy an AeroPress it comes with a pack of paper micro-filters. These work fine and are easily disposable. However, for something different, there is this stainless steel AeroPress disk. The disk is reusable and has ultra-micro perforations so that only water gets through the filter, even when brewing a super-fine espresso grind. Many people prefer the flavor that stainless steel…

AeroPress Coffee and Espresso Maker

If you’re persnickety about your coffee and brew some every day then the AeroPress may be your cup of tea. I own a drip coffee maker, a Turkish coffee maker, two french presses, a stove-top espresso maker, a siphon, and an AeroPress. The latter makes a cup of coffee as delicious as you’ll get from a french press or siphon, yet with…

Quality Linkage

In this week's roundup: The making of French artisanal butter, how urban design affects pedestrians' perception of distance, a more generous way to position your marketing, and more.

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