RNI Flashback for iOS

RNI Flashback is an app for iPhone and iPad that we covered in some detail in our sister site’s new Master Mobile Photography course. It’s an image editor tool that, with the repeated tap of a single button, makes an infinite number of unique and pronounced analog looks.

These aren’t pre-defined filters like you’d get with VSCO or Snapseed β€” they’re more like mixes of virtual photographic film. It sounds weird, I know, but they do explain it in greater detail on their site:

Under its hood RNI Flashback has a probability-based photographic film simulator. Instead of editing RGB images with conventional tools, it simulates the photo-chemical processes of analog photography and recreates the way how the layers of colour film would respond to light.

Some of its looks can be weird, some can render skintones too red. But some will be just absolutely fabulous, making for film-like colour harmony and colour separation, turning even the most bland digital photo into an encapsulation of creative human spirit.

Watch their promo video to see what it looks like in action:

RNI Flashback is really fun to play with and makes it effortless to add some film-like pop to your photos. Get it for just $4 on the iOS App Store.