Maverick Leave-in Wireless Thermometer

If you love smoking meat as much as we do, the Maverick wireless thermometer is your new favorite toy.

It has a dual thermometer output: one line for the temp of your smoker itself, and one line for the internal temp of your meat. Each probe connects to a base station that clips to the side of your smoker. With the receiver in your pocket you can go about your day β€” watch the game inside, take a nap on the hammock, or play catch out front with your boys β€” all the time knowing exactly what temperature your smoker is. And, on the receiver you can even set high and low temp alarms (“tell me when the turkey gets to 155”, or “tell me if the smoker gets below 200”).

The thermometer has a range of 300 feet (!), making it 10x more useful than one of those fancy Bluetooth thermometers that works with an app on your iPhone. (Bluetooth only has a range of about 30 feet, so step too far away from your grill and you’ll lose the connection to your leave-in thermometer.)

Get the Maverick wireless thermometer for $60 on Amazon.